Saturday, August 30, 2008

Bangers all night long......

If you know me, and you've ever seen me on the weekend, then you will have a complete understanding of how sober people can have hangovers. This is how I found myself this after noon at brunch. Somewhere between the two trucks that kept crashing over and over again into my pulverized body, and constantly requesting more coffee and water. HOW I got here can be summed up in the mother of all DC dj nights:

Gavin Holland
Will Eastman
Matt Nordstrom
Dave Nada
and mutha fukkin DJ Assault

It was a full evening of total insanity, and I could not help be swept along for the entire ride.

Knowing alot of the people involved, I had a backstage pass, but only used this momentarily after I first arrived. Soon I bounced downstairs and hit the floor. There I would remain for almost the entire night. Though I did take a few minutes to say hi to my friend, superphotographer Josh Sisk. I hadn't seen him in forever. He had agreed to swing by from Bmore to take photos since it was Tittsworth's record release show. Josh is another guy I initially knew from the punk rock scene. It's funny how many of those people are now in the party scene, and how in an odd way I straddle both.

After we did some respect knuckles, I wandered out to the expansive dancefloor at 9:30 and waited for my last remaining dance partner, Kim, to arrive. It took her quite a while to get there, but that didn't stop me from willin' out by myself for a while. All the dj's were people I loved to see spin, so there really wasn't a bad part of the night. Though I will say, after hitting it hard for several hours, I was glad when the "live" portion of the evening arrived, so I could meander a bit.

Kim and I went to one of the bars for some water, and were spotted by Cale who urged us to get a pick taken in the prom style Tittsworth record-promo set up they had. The catch was, beyond the back drop, there were party lights, a smoke machine, and....oh yeah, a whole fleet of girls (one of whom was not; I give them great credit for that) in bikinis. They plopped me down front, straddling a chair, with Kim, leg up on mine, on my left, and both of us coated in bikini girls. I REALLY hope this pic gets posted.

I, of course, could not forget to mention hopping briefly downstairs to say a quick hello to the hottest bartender in the history of 9:30, Corrine. She was sadly swamped and sick all at once. Even though it was just a hi and bye considering the circumstances, it was, as always, totally worth the whole four seconds.....

Finally, after the MC's were done, and there was a warm up reprise from Dave and Jessie, DJ Assault took the decks, and in true style, hit the ground running with "Ass and Titties." From there it was a crushing, janky, blitz, of ghettoteck versions of every oversexed, down-and-dirty, and straight up vulgar banger that you have ever heard. What can I say, but fuck, it ruled. I screamed aloud to every dirty deed exploding from the speakers. Christ did I need that. It was the best night I'd been to in a while (okay, or since the Bliss eight year anniversary party last weekend....).

So, here I sit, a total pile of wreck, and I totally earned it........

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mississippi moment...


I just felt like I was back home for a minute. One of the few perks of my current living situation is that there are some amazingly bamafied stores on the corner (which we are fortunately right next to). It has been a dreary rainy day here (the kind I would love if I still worked indoors...), so at this point I was only outfitted with my Colin of Arabia, not-quite-package-fitting, gym shorts, my new Weedeater shirt that proudly proclaims "Burn 1" on the back, and slippers. With a crumbled ten in one hand, and my keys in the other, I proudly trotted out and into the corner store.

American by luck, southern by the grace of god indeed............

Yes, I know, much more has surely happened than this since I last posted, and in fact, more has. To some it all up in a few cute "tiwtter moments," I went to my other grandmother's funeral; the one I thought would be so bad I'd actually had nightmares about it, but then it wasn't. I frantically, and flimsily moved into a punk rock house where I am nearly a decade older than the other inhabitants, and surely much much older than the mice. The good news is that I can use the show space in the basement to record a one off True Kvlt black metal record with John and others. My phone broke in a hail storm, and now I have a new one. I got a dj night, it went very well, I got another dj night, and screwed up the dates with my filming conflicts. Now that night is going to use someone who is not me. But hey, the good news is that I am in no way shape or form in a position to move to SF in Oct. like I wanted to, so I can always hop on the next night. It's great because I'd much rather be here to see the Halloween cover night than in SF seeing Corrupted play.........So, yes, I started filming again, and I really do love it like nothing else right now. I also caught a glimpse of some of my footage, and wanted to vomit to death. Which all also brings me to the fact that there is a chance that I will not only be in an episode of a a horror webshow, but one that is being produced by the one and only Herschel Gordon Lewis. I get so excited every time I think about it that I might have to start wearing depends. I got so depressed I feared for my wellbeing. The good news is that I am on medication, and it's helping. The bad news is I might need to be on more......I shot guns, and will shoot guns again. And finally, Weedeater amazing, Judas Priest, Motorhead, and Heaven and Hell live, amazing, Teenage Film Stars, pretty good, Bloody Panda, great band, Orphan, good as well, spending too much on Moss and Portal records but doing extra work to cover the cost, fuck yeah...............

So, that, as it were, is that...............................

PS, I had a very strange and awesome dream last night. To be honest, just a part of a dream; I don't really remember the rest. This may make no sense, but I was, maybe laying on something, I'm not sure, and I was flying at a high speed all through this gray/brown lint/felt colored/textured other world. I know it sounds simple, and uninteresting, but for me it was amazing. I say that because, not only was it much more vivid than my normal dreams, but I could honest to god feel it. I felt the high speed, and the air, and the texture of the world around me. Looking back, it was eerily euphoric. I don't think that has ever happened to me before. I certainly wish my life at the present was a quarter as good as that dream........