Tuesday, August 28, 2007

More, more, more

It must be your lucky-little-day, because you are getting a two for one. (or hell maybe a three or four before we're all said and done today)

The Application:

Please fulfill all of the following criteria to be considered as an applicant:

1. I am, or am near the age of 30

2. I am vegan

3. I am straight edge (or sober)

4. I do not believe in the capitalist system

5. I am not a christian

6. I am into, or am understanding of people who are into hard, abrasive, or confounding music

7. I ride a bicycle

8. I like to dance

9. I am female

10. I am single

11. I am attracted in some capacity to boys

Thank you for your time

Number of applications sent: ?
Number of applicants fulfilling the following criteria: 0

One: At what point does the blueness of the skin, and the stars clouding the vision let one know that one's breath has been held too long?

And Two: Is there such a thing as a non-christian nun?

Thank you for your time

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