Saturday, April 26, 2008

Bad scene, everyone's fault..


No pretty pictures, no witty banter. Just the funniest damn story of the trip so far. So, last night we went with Paulo, Nicole, and Manu, who drive El Barko del Amor, to a birthday party for a friend of theirs. It should be noted that this is a TOTALLY different world than the one Kadd and I inhabit. This is the world of wealthy, pretty, party people, and it is a far far cry from home. We eventually roll up to this small bar, for the festivities, that is well stocked with an international congregation of Calvin Klein models, replete with all expected douchebaggery. Though it was funny that right out of the box I made friends with this guy who came up and said,"Your shirt-It is something about metal yes?" He was an Italian, (there are maaany), now living mostly in LA, but you know, globe trotting, who also was very into metal. He was thrilled to find a new "brother" (I just assume he meant "Brother of true metal" as a Manowar reference, but who knows). So for a while, we excitedly geek out about metal in a way that looked less like we both spoke English, and more like two people frantically trying to communicate through impromptu sign language.

Of course, he eventually politely excused himself to go say hi to some other friends. And that's when it happened. About fifteen minutes after I get to this fantasy island Vanity Fair soiree, a well coiffed beach Aussi(?)(Kadd and I argued about this, since it was very hard to make out what she was saying. And I swore English was not her first language....But hey, I'm sure to an Aussi, the same could be said about my deep southern american family....) strolls over, leans down, and says (and I'm paraphrasing abit here),"It's a shame to waste this time of day; we should use the condoms I have in my purse before they expire." The look you have on your face could not be half as precious as the one mine formed into as I tried to wrap my head around the reality of what had just happened.

Again, I do not live in this world.

Do I sleep with people? Yes. Do I like to sleep with people? Of course. Am I conservative in how that happens? No. HOW-EV-ER. This is nooooot my typical modus operandi by any stretch of the imagination. The only time something like this REMOTELY happened, the woman in question had to be pretty darn persistent before I caved. But I digress, back to the moment, as it happened.

Well, of course my brain froze. "Would you care for a coffee,""Do you know what time it is,""I like your pants,""You are a really good dancer," Yes, But,"Hello. We fuck now." Holy. Shit. There is always that little voice in the back of your head that says,"Go ahead, do it." But instead, keeping more with my tradition, I apparently blurted something out like,"I don't think so....." (I had to have Kadd repeat it to me, since I had no real recollection) This apparently is not an appropriate response in said style of transaction. To which she snapped,"You don't know what you are talking about!" and stormed off. It was all we could do; all we could do to keep from crying, and pissing ourselves with laughter right then and there. Kadd, and I, wide eyed like we had just been threatened with a gun, began to go through the "holy shit!" conversation that was sure to follow. The final verdict: unbelievable! We had just landed on planet Senor Frogs, where BJ's are on the appetizer menu right between nachos and jager bombs. And of course, everything is paid for with daddy's credit card..................

Oh, what a night.

Okay Mom and Dad it's safe to pick up here:

So, tonight we depart. We hit land, and leave our Fantasy Island adventure for more urban treasures. I will miss the the ocean, the sand, Paulo, Manu, Nicole, El Barko del Amor, El Jardin, wealthy gringo douchebags, an every thing else about this place. But as the sun sinks below the tide, we will be off to Oaxca City. Only for a day, maybe two, and then we hop over to DF for the remainder of our time in Mexico. It's certainly been an interesting journey so far, and I'm curious to see what happens next........

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